AWS Route 53 Domain Redirection(forwarding) from to using AWS S3 bucket

I recently encountered a requirement of domain forwarding for our website. We have our domain purchased in AWS route 53 but our website is designed and developed in zoho sites. We did proper CNAME mapping of our domain in AWS Route53 and our domain is all working fine.

However we encountered an issue that, when user try to load our zoho site was not loading, to make it work we suppose to add domain redirection from to

To achieve domain redirection in AWS route 53, we can use AWS S3 bucket, the steps are given below.

Steps for Domain Redirection (Forwarding) using AWS S3 bucket

Step 1: Create a bucket in s3 -> bucket is nothing but one folder in aws s3 service and bucket name should be same as your domain name now we have to forward to so create bucket as

AWS S3 bucket for Domain redirection
AWS S3 bucket for Domain redirection

Step 2: After creating bucket , go to properties section of that bucket

AWS S3 bucket properties
AWS S3 bucket properties

Step 3: under properties section, scroll down to the bottom and enable Static website hosting with below configurations. Choose redirect request option and provide hostname for which requests has to redirect in our case all requests coming to should redirect to, so provide host name as

AWS S3 Static hosting domain redirection
AWS S3 Static hosting domain redirection

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