Integrating Facebook In iOS Applications

Integrating Facebook In iOS Applications

Environment Setup :

Step1: Login into your Facebook developer account

Download Facebook iOS sdk –

Step 2: Go to My Apps and select your application ( If App is not created then do create new app)


Step 3: Go to facebook app settings page 

iOSFacebookIntegration - Settings page
iOSFacebookIntegration – Settings page

Step 4: Add new platform for iOS in settings page and fill the details

iOSFacebookIntegration - Platform
iOSFacebookIntegration – Platform


Step 5: Now copy the App ID generated and Display name



Step 6 : In your iOS project file set Facebook App ID and URL types as shown below. 

Inside iOS project set FacebookAppID and FacebookDisplayName 

Facebook Integration in iOS shows Blank Screen after login :

Setting FacebookAppId and FacebookDisplayName in iOS project plist file

This is most common problem many people face when Facebook is integrated in iOS application.

This is because the Facebook App id has not been set in plist file.

URL types and URL Schemes should be added

iOSFacebookIntegration - plist
iOSFacebookIntegration – plist


Facebook integration using Javascript library

If you are using javascript and web view then the screen black out issue can be fixed by specifying redirect URL as given below

This should work:

function loginUser()
 FB.login(function(response) { },
 {scope:'email', redirect_uri:'http://your-redirect-url'}); 

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