Jira Bug tracking tool tutorial : Atlassian Documentation
Before jumping to this tutorial : Go through our another article on Writing Efficient Test Cases
Jira : The basic use of jira tool is to track the issue and to track bugs related to software and mobile application. and user for Project management. Jira is complete solution for project management provided by atlassian. Confluence is the one place for all the team work, Create , Organize and discuss work with your team.
Jira work flow: Configuring Workflow
Jira provides a default workflow which looks like below

- Open: Test Engineer test the application according to the requirement, while testing if test engineer find any issues, test engineer can raise the issue and change the status as open.
- Assign: Test Engineer assign a issue to the developer present in the company to fix the issue and change the status as Assign.
- Resolved: Developer can check the issue and fix the issue occurred in the application or software and change the status as resolved.
- Reopen: Test Engineer retest the application to check whether the issue is really fixed by developer or not and if issue is not fixed test engineer can change the status as reopen.
- Closed: Test Engineer retest the software or application to check the issue was fixed by developer or not and if issue was fixed change the status as closed.
How to report bug in Jira tool
- Project: In project drop down select a project which we have to test.
- Issue type:
- Task
- Bug
- Epic
- Story
- Task: Task that needs to be done.
- Bug: A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
- Epic: An Epic captures a large body of work. It is essentially a larger user story that can be broken down into a number of smaller stories.
- Story: Story is user requirement.
- Summary: In summary field enter the brief description about the issue or bug.
- Reporter: Reporter is a test engineer or a person who is analyzing, finding and reporting a bug or issue.
- Components: Components are sub-sections of a project. They are used to group issues within a project into smaller parts. Application contains several components like for example take gmail application,which contain login component and compose component. if user mention particular component where the issue is occurred,its easy to find issue.
- Description: Description contains steps to reproduce an issue or bug. And steps of scenario.
Example: steps to validate login button.
- Enter Username.
- Enter Password.
- Click on Login button
- Fix/Versions:
Priority levels in Jira:
- Highest: This problem will block progress.
- High: Serious problem that could block progress.
- Medium: Has the potential to affect progress.
- Low: Minor problem or easily worked around.
- Lowest: Trivial problem with little or no impact on progress.
- Labels:
- Attachments: An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Examples of attachments are screenshots, photographs, other images, Word documents, presentations, PDF documents.
- Linked Issues:
- Issue: Select issue type, issue is either functional or integration or UI issue (User Interface).
- Assignee: Assignee is a developer or person who is fixing a issue.
- Epic Link:
- Sprint: Time taken to complete a project is called as sprint.
Posted By
Vinayak Mudiyappanavar,
Trainee Test Engineer