React Native List View : Animate Rows While Scrolling Using FlatList

React Native List View : Animate Rows While Scrolling Using FlatList

In my previous post I have written about how to use React Native FlatList and we have seen the issues we face with pagination also how to add a loading indicator in the footer of FlatList. You can first read about it Link In this post we will see how to animate the rows while scrolling a FlatList.

Animating Rows In React Native FlatList :

To achieve animation for FlatList Rows, you have to install an npm module react-native-animatable, which provides variety of smooth animations for List Rows.

Installation of npm module:

$ npm install react-native-animatable --save


To make a continuous animation do this

<Animatable.Text animation="slideInDown" iterationCount={5} direction="alternate">Up and down you go</Animatable.Text>
<Animatable.Text animation="pulse" easing="ease-out" iterationCount="infinite" style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>❤</Animatable.Text>


To animate rows in FlatList Rows do this

import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';

class FlatListRow extends Component {
      <Animatable.View animation='fadeInUp'>;
          // here your row component

Variety of animations are supported in this React Native Animation library