Father Of Mass Market GPS : Sanjai Kohli
You definitely might have used Google Maps, Whatsapp location sharing feature and any other location sharing mobile application, yeah definitely its a cool feature in smart phones and hence they are so called smart ? 🙂
but there is a man behind these popular GPS enabled devices who made it , Sanjai Kohli an Indian who worked on Mass Market GPS system, he is called as Father Of Mass Market GPS.
US Defense and Work on GPS
Sanjai started working in aerospace companies after completing his masters in US, during that time he was assigned a task where he suppose to add intelligence in bombs dropped from planes, in 1980’s 90 % of the bombs hit the unintended targets, Sanjai worked on a guided GPS systems, He and his team successfully completed the assigned task and all the US military weapons used the technology.
in 1993 GPS was being used in Tokyo to navigate in Cars, but because of many issues they never use to work properly, Sanjai started working on it and to make it commercialize. He setup a company SiRF by seeing the great opportunities, they reinvented the signal processing physics to reduce the cost and size.and increase power, resulting in tens of thousands of dollars of signal processing/communication equipment to reside in a single silicon chip. The chip was 200 times more capable than those used in the Japanese cars and was available at a fraction of the cost.” with SiRF. And the rest as they say is history. By 2006, 80% of GPS devices ran on SiRF chips. At its peak SiRF had a market capitalization of $3 billion.
With his great work, Kohli has been short-listed for the European Inventor Award (to be announced on April 28) instituted by the European Patent Office and the European Commission.
Sanjay Kohli has two patents
1. Multipath processing for GPS receivers  http://www.google.co.in/patents/US20030165186
Sanjai Kohli –Â https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjai-kohli-8a39baa
Read More About How Global Positioning Works