Learning Sanskrit from home: Starting Point
To learn any language, we have to start with vowels and consonants, in sanskrit collectively they are called as वर्णमाला (varnamala). Let me list out all वर्णमाला of sanskrit here.
स्वर (Svara)
अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ लृ ॡ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः
व्यञ्जन (Vyanjana)
कण्ठय Gutturals |
क् |
ख् |
ग् |
घ् |
ङ् |
तालव्य Palatals |
च् |
छ् |
ज् |
झ् |
ञ् |
मूर्धन्य Linguals |
ट् |
ठ् |
ड् |
ढ् |
ण् |
दन्तय Dentals |
त् |
थ् |
द् |
ध् |
न् |
ओष्ठय Labials |
प् |
फ् |
ब् |
भ् |
म् |
अन्तःस्थ Semi Vowel |
य् |
र् |
ल् |
व् |
Sibilant |
श् |
ष् |
स् |
Aspirate |
ह् |
In sanskrit the most important thing is the way we pronounce the characters, also there is more to learn about these वर्णमाला (varnamala).
Pure स्वर (svara) (vowels) in sanskrita are of two types Short Vowels and Long Vowels, and the pure vyanjanas ( consonants ) are represented with a halant symbol (्) . Still there are lot more to learn about अनुस्वारः (Anusvara) and विसर्गः (visarga).
So this is the starting point for learning Sanskrit. I request to download following android mobile application which will be the starting point for learning sanskrit. These mobile applications helps you to learn sanskrit at home.
Android and iOS mobile Application for Sanskrit Learning For Beginners
Sanskrit for beginners iOS mobile application: Download – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/learn-sanskrit-alphabets/id819321366?mt=8
Sanskrit for beginners android mobile application : Download –https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vyoma.baalaamodinipremium.Varnamala&hl=en
Read More About Sanskrit and download other related mobile applications for sanskrit
Why Sanskrit : http://knowledge-cess.com/sanskrit-worlds-oldest-language/
Starting point for learning sanskrit : http://knowledge-cess.com/learning-sanskrit-starting-point/
Sanskrit a perfect language : http://knowledge-cess.com/sanskrita-vyakarana-separation-distinctionanalysis-explanation/