Sanskrita Vyakarana : separation, distinction,analysis, explanation

Sanskrita Vyakarana : separation, distinction,analysis, explanation

Sanskrit is called as a perfect language, an unambiguous language and hence NASA preferred it for Artificial Intelligence. But why so ? How it is different from any other language in the world? Why it is called as a most scientific language? What is so unique in sanskrit language ?

To answer all the above questions, we have to really look into the vyakarana in sanskrit. Though I don’t have enough knowledge in sanskrit, I am writing these articles after exploring a little bit about sanskrit with the help of few online courses of sanskrit ( Vyoma Linguistic Labs : Learn Sanskrit From home )

Vyakarana in Sanskrit:

In english if I say Read it is a just a word and you can not give any more explanation for that, is there any logic behind formation of this word ? Is there any explanation for the word Read‘ or ‘Reading ? Definitely we don’t have any answer for this question.

In sanskrit there is nothing which has no explanation, there is a logic behind formation of each and every word. Let me take simple example

  1. There is a word पठति in sanskrit, which means Read but as I said above for every word there is an explanation, let us see how this word formed

पठति  = पठ्‌ + + ति 

पठ्‌ – धातुः [अर्थं निर्दिशति]

अ – विकरणप्रत्ययः [गणं निर्दिशति]

ति – तिङ्‌प्रत्ययः [लकारं निर्दिशति] |

2. भ्वादिः (प्रथमः गणः = भू इत्यादयः धातवः; “भवतिइत्यादीनि क्रियापदानि) | यस्य गणस्य आदौ भू-धातुः अस्ति, सः भ्वादिगणः |

विकरण प्रत्ययः शप्‌ → अ

उदाखाद्‌ (खादति), पठ्‌ (पठति), क्रीड्‌ (क्रीडति), वद्‌ (वदति); शुच्‌ (शोचति), वृत्‌ (वर्तते); जि (जयति), स्रु (स्रवति), हृ (हरति)

Hope these simple examples help us to understand how rich the sanskrit language is. All I am trying to tell here is learn sanskrit, we have plenty of online courses, videos, mobile applications but I prefer the following pointers because these mobile apps for sanskrit are really very nice.

Online tutorials For Learning Sanskrit

Learning Sanskrit From Home

Sanskrit Learning Online Courses :

Sanskrit Learning YouTube Videos :

Sanskrit Learning Android Mobile Applications :

For CBSC Students :

Read More about Sanskrit : Interesting Facts About Sanskrit

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