yarn install does not create node_modules folder

when I upgraded yarn to latest version 3.4.1, I started facing strange issue in my react-native app. when i run yarn install, it does not throw any error but it ends with lots of warnings and does not create node_module folder

yarn recently introduced alternative installation strategy unveiled in September 2018, which is called as PnP which is nothing but ” Plug’n’Play “, because of this i started facing an issue, yarn install was not creating node_modules folder

yarn install node_modules folder not created – Yarn v3.0.2 Why do not install the node_modules folder

solution to this is in your project main directory, create a file “.yarnrc.yml” and add below line in that file

nodeLinker: node-modules

know more about yarn PnP here and the solution i have mentioned here is also described in this documentation page.

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