Ancient Indian Education System

Ancient Indian Education System

The history is awesome every Indian will feel proud if we look back to our history and the future is definitely bright , today we may not be super power nation in the world but the future is definitely will change because the roots are very strong and deep. India is the land where several greatest innovations happened several hundreds of years ago.

We knew mathematics, we derived theorems, we discovered planets, we calculated distance of sun to earth thousands of years ago and also distance between earth and many other planets, yeah many more such facts and figures are there. But how could India was so great? How it was possible to gain such knowledge? The research reveals that our solid education system was the reason for that.

Ancient Education system was a meaningful education system; the idea of education has been very grand, noble and high in ancient India. It aim was “training for completeness of life” and the molding of character of men and women for the battle of life. As quoted by Swami Vivekananda education was for “Man Making and Character Building”. But what were the methodologies of that education? What was so different about it?

Below are few of methodologies of that great education system

Complete Brahmacharya:

Students use to leave their home and stay with Guru in Gurukul until they complete their education. It was like students follow complete Brahmacharya for 18 years until they study all the courses. Students strictly do Yoga every day which was essential for healthy mind and body, Yoga was compulsory for students. Yoga is an effective practice which will develop overall personality of a human. The purpose of yoga was the self realization and ancient Indians had identified that the supreme goal of human life is self realization. Yoga will bring mind into control and those who can control mind can achieve anything.

A student will initiate his Brahmacharya phase through Upanayana. A student will be self discipline and self controlled. All sort of pleasure will be avoided and he must do all the work given by a Guru.

Learning of Vedas:

Vedas plays an important role in ancient education system, there are four vedas. Rigveda contains 1028 hymns and contains 10,522 verses. It teaches stages of life like family life, forest life and renunciation. Yajurveda teaches how to perform sacrifices in life and it has 1,984 verses. Samaveda is study of music, it has 1,875 verses. Atharvaveda is the study of medical sciences and has 5,977 verses.

Vedas teach our culture, the meaning of life, how we should live, what is right and what is wrong. Ultimately it is learning of Karma, learning of dedication. Vedas are the roots of Hindu Religion.

Learning phases in Ancient Indian Education System:

Every student would undergo three phases every day. Every phase has its own importance, though they look simple but they are very effective.


Means listen and understand. One should understand that it is not just hearing, hearing is different and listening is different.


Is reflecting the things we listened (Shravana). It is discussing the truth of opinions. In this especially Guru will raise the questions, students will answer and the point will be discussed in group.


Complete comprehension by the student of the truth that is taught so that he may live the truth and not merely explain it by words. It is the realization of truth.

Adi shankaracharya wrote in 2000BC “Reflection (manana) is hundred times superior to listening (sravana);   meditation (nididhyasana) is hundred times superior to reflection;  nirvikalpaka samadhi is infinitely superior.”

Reference : Link

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5 thoughts on “Ancient Indian Education System”

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  4. Nice Article. Indian schools need to change the way they are running around percentages and ranks. Need to again start following our ancient Indian education system.

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